I've been working on some Christmas gifts and seeing as I'm near broke I decided to make my mom a cook book! Of all of her recipes that she has and some others that I like or maybe my friends enjoy. If you have any recipes you'd like to share, please post them!
I was thinking about splitting the cook book up into appetizers, entree's and desserts but my mom doesn't prepare many appetizers so maybe just entree's and desserts, maybe throw in drinks? The other thing I'm unsure about is if I should make a page for each "separator" or not. I was going to use the icons on the bottom of the cover for the tabs (can't figure out what to do for a appetizer icon, suggestions?). I was probably going to just print the pages and place them in a 3 ring binder in a protective seal that way we can add to it as much as we want! If she ever choose she can also get it bound into a book.
Now my last question is should I have 1 recipe per page or 2? its going to be 10x8 (so landscape) and I can do two different recipes per page with like a fancy box and some decorations or something, or I can do one per page with bigger letting and maybe more designs. I want to keep it relatively plain and easy to read.
Any input would be great!
I'm off to find an appetizer icon and figure out how to do these recipes!
Edit: I worked up a quick option for the recipe page. I can put anywhere from 1-4 on a page (considering all of her recipes are on note cards, they're pretty short). I can two for example and do some sort of illustration on the bottom or I could do 4 with a light illustration in the back (or a smaller one in the corner). Any ideas? Keep in mind this is a quick mock-up and color/different text is possible. There is also room below for two more just may not be visible due to the white background(s).